LTD Landscaping started out small but now maintains over 100 commercial properties in the Houston area. We have several professional landscaping crews and a licensed irrigator to keep the grass and plants looking great year round!
- Landscape Installs
- Tree Trimming
- Seasonal Flowers
- Winter Rye Grass
- Landscape Maintenance
LTD Landscaping creates beautiful drainage solutions for erosion and standing water.
Industry Professionals
Our lawn maintenance crews and landscape crews are as professional as you will find. We take our jobs seriously, as what we do impacts families, communities, and the environment.
Conscious Design
Our crews work hard to give each property their best! With proper fertilization, mowing, and insect control we are able to create a beautiful thick green grass throughout the year. Our crews are trained to prune the bushes evenly throughout the property to give them a clean and uniformed look. Trees are trimmed up to 8ft to keep walkways clear and give the property an open and clean look.
The attention to detail is what sets LTD Landscaping apart.
For more information give us a call!